International recognition at World Architecture Festival for Te Tōangaroa

25 July 2024

Te Tōangaroa (Quay Park Auckland Stadium) has won a 2024 WAFX Prize for Cultural Identity.

The WAFX Prize awards international projects that best use design and architecture to tackle major world issues, including health, climate change, technology, ethics and values. The winning projects are chosen by judges from the WAF Future Projects shortlist

The proposed stadium has been designed by HKS architects, in collaboration with Buchan, TOA Architects and Boffa Miskell with close consultation with Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei.

The Te Tōangaroa proposal utilizes a 15ha brownfields site on the eastern fringe of the City Centre and incorporaties commercial, residential, educational, and hospitality components alongside the stadium with an operable roof. The stadium’s conceptual design envisions a versatile venue connecting with Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei’s cultural landscape and representing Aotearoa New Zealand distinctively. Aligning the stadium design with the wider Te Tōangaroa precinct strategies for infrastructure, energy, carbon neutrality, passive design, circulation, ecology, and landscaping was a key objective.

The wider Te Tōangaroa project is led by Cenfield MXD Ltd and is supported by a group including HKS, Buchan, Goldman Sachs, John Laing, Boffa Miskell and TOA, and other international and local experts Aurecon, Robert Bird, Turner & Townsend and Barker & Associates. New Zealand Rugby has also supported the investigation of the Te Tōangaroa stadium and precinct as a potential long-term opportunity for rugby and New Zealand.