Nature-based solutions: explore and interact with our StoryMap of projects

15 November 2023

Using nature and natural processes to address a wide range of environmental and social challenges by harnessing the power of ecosystems and biodiversity.

For the 2023 Rivers Group Conference in Nelson, Boffa Miskell landscape planners and landscape architects worked with our marketing team, graphic designer and GIS specialist to create an engaging way to illustrate the use of nature-based solutions across a wide range of projects.

Landscape Planner Liz Gavin says, "Trying to effectively explain what 'nature-based solutions' means can be challenging, because it's such a broad subject. But on the other hand, any real-life example you use is going to be quite specific to its place and environment.

"What I had originally envisioned as a static poster soon evolved into an interactive display, once I began talking with our marketing and graphic design team. Bringing in their creativity and vision completely changed this presentation."

Conference attendees scanned individual QR codes to learn more about exemplary projects. From a landscape-scale coastal restoration, like Project Manukau (1999 - ongoing), to the metre-square bio-filtration catchpits in the Ōtāhuhu Streetscape Upgrade (2021) the interactive StoryMap presented the effective use of nature-based solutions in rural, urban and coastal locations across a proto-typical catchment.

Senior Graphic Designer Vanessa le Grand Jacob says, "I find collaborating with the GIS team at Boffa Miskell always proves to exceed expectations. The calibre, knowledge and expertise of my colleagues makes a smooth and enjoyable process, resulting in a premium end product. Working together we can seamlessly integrate design ideas."

"By taking the project photos and descriptions into an ArcGIS StoryMap, our GIS team was able to add a new dimension compared to a static poster. An innovative technique here was to use an illustration as a basemap, but a StoryMap is a great way to display any kind of geographic data and associated media regardless of whether there's an illustration or more traditional map underneath", said GIS Specialist David Hill.

Explore the StoryMap here.