Blair Clinch

Kaihoahoa Whenua | Landscape Architect
Kaiwhiri | Associate Principal

I have been fortunate to be involved in a wide range of public and private sector work, ranging from town centre transformations, residential and mixed-use developments, parks and reserves upgrades, retirement living, and environmental enhancement projects. I strive to achieve exceptional results for the environment, client, and users through an unwavering commitment to each project.

My skillset encompasses various areas within landscape planning and design, including the use of Building Information Modelling (BIM) for landscape architecture. I contribute expertise in landscape and visual effects assessment, CPTED assessment, project inception and scoping, concept development through to detailed design, contract administration and supervision. I apply this broad knowledge to projects, providing critical and insightful thinking to ensure high-quality outcomes.  

Collaboration is at the heart of my approach. I thoroughly enjoy working alongside clients and allied professionals, fostering a focused and cohesive atmosphere that helps us overcome project challenges together. I tackle obstacles in a constructive and collaborative manner, always striving to identify the unique aspects that will make the outcomes contextually appropriate, exceptional, and enduring.

I am passionate about my work and the positive impact it can have. I am energised by the prospect of continuing to apply my professional skills and approach to future projects and creating outstanding environments.


Bachelor of Landscape Architecture, Unitec Institute of Technology


Registered Member, New Zealand Institute of Landscape Architects (NZILA)