Ella Wood

Kaihoahoa Whenua | Landscape Architect
Kaiaho | Graduate

My passion is rooted in understanding the connection of people, land and place and creatively problem-solving how we can ecologically restore the spaces in which we live, work and play.

Following the completion of my bachelor's, and taking some time to travel overseas, I was deeply inspired by how other parts of the world have crafted their cities, places and environments to function in creative and meaningful ways.

During my studies I was given the chance to grow in aspects of Landscape Architecture such as how we can design to respond to our everchanging environments so we can live sustainably and purposefully, exploring how our unique landscapes hold meaningful narratives that can enrich and shape the places we design, and communicating design process and outcomes in a clear and engaging manner.  

I am committed and look forward to learning and enriching my skillset from the depth of knowledge at Boffa Miskell and being involved in projects in places and environments that I value greatly. 

Bachelor of Architectural Studies majoring in Landscape Architecture, Victoria University Wellington