Dr. Helen Nathan


Kaitwhakamaru Taiao | Biosecurity Consultant
Kaiarataki Matua | Senior Professional

I am committed to the vision of a predator-free Aotearoa New Zealand, and I'm excited that my work as a consultant in the biosecurity discipline allows me to help clients progress along this path.

I have a strong academic foundation in general ecology and conservation. Since gaining my PhD from the University of Auckland my work has largely specialised in managing invasive mammalian predators.

Prior to joining Boffa Miskell, I worked for Zero Invasive Predators (ZIP), gaining six years of professional experience in applied research, project management, data analysis, and report writing, along with a first-hand understanding of the challenges of landscape-scale ecological restoration.


Doctor of Philosophy, Biodiversity and Biosecurity, University of Auckland
Master of Science (Hons, 1st), University of Auckland
Postgraduate Diploma, Environmental Science, University of Auckland
Bachelor of Arts/Science (conjoint), University of Auckland


Member, New Zealand Biosecurity Institute