Kane McElrea


Kaiwhakamaru Taiao | Biosecurity Consultant
Pouwhiri | Principal

I have over 12 years of biosecurity experience, and an in-depth knowledge of local and national government, including council process, governance and legislation.

I've led key programmes including the development of the regional pest management and marine pathway plans, kauri dieback surveillance and management, wild animal control (feral deer, goats, and pigs), predator management, development of community pest management programmes and involvement in regional and national biosecurity responses.

I am experienced in developing and implementing strategic projects and meaningful relationships with iwi, hapū, community organisations and agencies throughout New Zealand. I have extensive experience in the development and delivery of significant biosecurity programmes and partnerships, including the establishment of multiple landscape-scale predator control and eradication programmes.

I have a strong background and interest in marine science which has enabled me to play a key role in response to several marine pest incursions, developing response plans, undertaking marine surveillance, and working alongside contractors while undertaking marine surveillance and response operations.


Bachelor of Applied Science, Auckland University of Technology
Diploma in Marine Studies Bay of Plenty Polytechnic


Member, New Zealand Biosecurity Institute