Connecting History, Urban Life, and Urban Ecology

The Emily Place Improvement Project will create a safe, vibrant public space in Auckland's city centre and promote community well-being. The project focuses on supporting diverse public life with functional, social, and cultural opportunities, celebrating local history and cultural narratives, and enhancing the urban environment with green retreats and ecological connections.

Emily Place is a densely built urban area surrounded by residential buildings, serviced apartments, hotels, and offices. It holds historical significance as the birthplace of Auckland and a former pā site, with connections to Te Rerenga Ora Iti | Point Britomart and the former shoreline.

The concept design has been informed by a robust site and options analysis. It includes targeted adjustments to enhance safety and operational and circulation improvements. 



Worked with

Matthews and Matthews Architects
Clough & Associates
Arbor Connect

Project date

2022 - ongoing

Boffa Miskell's design team have been working with mana whenua to integrate cultural narratives into the design. Three key elements have been identified: celebrating Te Rerenga Ora Iti, recognising the original shoreline, and enhancing the urban environment by introducing more native flora and supporting native fauna. 

The concept layout focuses on creating spaces for different user groups. A new centrally positioned community plaza will serve as an extension of the reserve's open lawn space, envisioned for large gatherings, events, music, and cultural activities. Terraced spaces and smaller respite areas surrounded by native plants and trees will provide quieter spots for individuals seeking relaxation. To connect these spaces and strengthen the reserve's value as an urban green space, more native plantings will be introduced throughout the site. 

Material selection was carefully considered to highlight key moments with cost-effective yet high-quality finishes. Native vegetation and street trees were introduced to create comfortable public spaces with minimal impact on underground utilities. 

The Emily Place Improvements aim to foster a strong sense of community and place. Boffa Miskell is committed to further developing the design in future stages, ensuring that Emily Place continues to serve as a unique and respected public space in Auckland's city centre.