2020 Landscape Architecture leaders
18 March 2020
Boffa Miskell has named eight Landscape Architecture leaders and discipline coordinator.

In addition to project work, these consultants will be involved with development and delivery of the company action plan for landscape architecture.
Michael Hawes is the Technical Leader for Design. He says, “Discipline leaders are tasked with moving the discipline forward in terms of process and standards - how we do things and the quality of what we do. With this comes a responsibility to keep the wider team informed, seek their input and champion use of our processes and standards.”
“Working with Frazer and I, a focus for this team is going to be making the way we go about design more inclusive across the company and engaging the diversity of the wider landscape architecture team to seek more innovative and efficient design outcomes.”
Bryan Sanson has expertise in master planning, subdivision design, community engagement, urban design and detailed design of public and private realm projects. Based in Tauranga, Bryan is the urban design and project management lead for the on-going upgrades to Whitianga.
Hanna O’ Donoghue‘s expertise includes design of public realm projects, urban streetscapes, and shared paths; and community engagement. Based in Auckland, she is currently involved in a number of Auckland City Centre projects, including Quay Street East + Britomart East Bus Interchange; Hobson Street, and the NZICC.
Matt Peacocke has experience in the design of often-complex public spaces throughout New Zealand. Additionally, Matt is a qualified horticulturist. Working from the Tauranga office, he is lead designer and project landscape architect for a significant new thermal resort on the lakefront of Rotorua.
Katie Chilton works at a range of scales, from large commercial masterplanning projects to public realm, parks and playgrounds, and design guidelines for significant urban spaces. Part of the Christchurch team, her recent projects include Dolomite Point Redevelopment Project on the West Coast and Prebbleton Estates Subdivision.
Megan Walker began her career in the Christchurch office. She has a wide range of project experience and has worked with a variety of clients including central and local government, private developers, and iwi. Now based in Wellington, she is currently working on projects for Wellington City Council and NZ Defence Force.
Megan Harshey joined our Queenstown office in 2018, bringing strong local experience in a variety of projects from conceptual design and presentations, large scale master planning projects involving new subdivisions and village centres. Megan is on the NZILA Executive committee, in charge of student and graduate engagement.
Gabe Ross brings experience working New Zealand, China and Canada. Projects have included new communities, civic parks and walkways, environmental remediation and restoration, residential and commercial landscapes for both public and private sector clients. He is based in Christchurch.
Helen Baggaley is based in Hamilton, and has over 12 years’ experience in New Zealand and London, Europe and the Middle East. As a senior landscape architect, she coordinated delivery of projects in multidisciplinary teams including Te Awahou Niuewe Stroom, RiverLink, Hutt River Project, and Omāroro Reservoir.
Frazer Baggaley has a wide range of experience in producing developed design, tender and construction drawing packages across a variety of urban environments. Through the scale and diversity of his project experience he has developed a strong set of technical design skills and a clear understanding of what is required to take a project through from concept design to completion on the ground. Frazer was the Senior Landscape Architect for MacKays to PekaPeka Expressway and is currently involved with the Let’s Get Wellington Moving project.