2020 Senior Appointments Announced
20 July 2020
Promotion to Senior Principal, Principal, and Associate Principal have been made across the design, planning, and science disciplines; adding nineteen consultants to the talented pool of leaders within Boffa Miskell.

In the Biosecurity discipline, Auckland-based consultant Dr Helen Blackie has been promoted to Senior Principal, and Dr Lee Shapiro to Principal; while Christchurch-based Pete Caldwell has been named an Associate Principal.
Ecologists Scott Hooson and Dr Tanya Blakely, both from the Christchurch office, have been promoted to Senior Principal, while Tauranga-based Kieran Miller and Auckland-based Katrina McDermott have been promoted to Principal and Associate Principal, respectively.
Landscape Architects Megan Harshey (Queenstown) and Megan Walker (Christchurch) are now Associate Principals; while Hanna O’Donoghue (Auckland), Katie Chilton (Christchurch), Jo Soanes (Hamilton), Bryan Sanson (Tauranga) and Matt Peacocke (Tauranga) have been promoted to Principal.
Auckland-based landscape planners Julia Wick and Tom Lines have been promoted to Associate Principal and Principal, respectively.
Planners Andrew Cumberpatch (Hamilton) and Ralph Henderson (Queenstown) have all been named as Principals.
Chief executive Kerry Gupwell says, “These promotions celebrate the growth and development of our team, along with the depth of expertise and capability within the company. These nineteen consultants have been recognised for their continuing ability in demonstrating extensive knowledge, professionalism and fostering excellent client relationships.”