2021 Partner and Associate Partner Appointments
24 May 2021
We welcome four new Associate Partners, and congratulate three consultants on becoming full Partners.

Stuart Houghton is based in Auckland, and joined Boffa Miskell in 2005. Several of Stuart’s projects have been recognised with awards from the NZPI and NZILA, including the 2015 NZILA Charlie Challenger Supreme Award, and 2015 Landscape Planning Award, for City East West Transport Study. Stuart has played a major role in the Auckland City Centre Master Plan, and is a member of the Auckland Urban Design Panel.
Dr. Leigh Bull joined the Wellington office in 2007 as a senior ecologist, and has also worked on a number of wind farm and roading projects, undertaking both pre-construction (Ecological Impact Assessments) and post-construction studies. Leigh co-authored the New Zealand threat classification list. Most recently, she has been involved with on-going work at Te Arai, and the Ngā Ūranga ki Pito-one Project.
Chris Ferguson joined Boffa Miskell in 2015 and is primarily based in Queenstown. Chris has wide experience covering planning and resource management services, including policy development in relation to District Plans, and designations throughout each stage of the planning process. He has contributed to some of Queenstown’s most significant developments including Jacks Point, the Queenstown Lakes District Plan and the Mahu Whenua Traverse.
Associate Partners
Nick Pollard has broad experience in various types of resource consents in urban, rural and coastal environments for both residential, rural and commercial development and activities. Since joining the Auckland office in 2015 he has been involved in our work with the Tupuna Maunga Authority and Auckland Council. He is a member of the Auckland Urban Design Panel.
Jane Rennie has extensive experience and skills in urban design, strategic planning, comprehensive regeneration, residential and town centre developments. She joined Boffa Miskell in 2009. Some of Jane’s recent projects include the award-winning NZDF Landscape and CPTED Guidelines and Te Ana Marina; the Milford Opportunities project and the Christchurch Airport Masterplan.
Ian Boothroyd joined Boffa Miskell in 2014, and served as Technical Lead for Science until the end of 2020. He is co-author of several national standards for freshwater and biodiversity management and monitoring; including a national guide to Ecological Impact Assessment. He has been involved with water-related infrastructure projects and reports, regionally and nationally. Most recently, Ian was appointed to the University of Canterbury advisory board for its newly-launched Environmental Science (Hons) degree.
Marcus Girvan joined Boffa Miskell in 2009, and manages multiple high-profile, high-value biosecurity projects across New Zealand. Based in Christchurch, Marcus is Project Manager for Boffa Miskell’s Land Information New Zealand (LINZ) Biosecurity Programme and the Mid Dome Wilding Tree Control Programme; and has recently been appointed Programme Manager for the Molesworth Wilding Conifer Control Programme.
Partners and Associate Partners play a leading role in the sustainability, growth and development of Boffa Miskell. In addition to their consultancy roles, they contribute to setting the overall company direction with the Board, and confirming key appointments and promotions.
“These new appointments represent the interdisciplinary nature of Boffa Miskell, and our commitment to being trusted advisors for our clients,” says Chief Executive Kerry Gupwell.
“As well as being excellent ambassadors for the company, they are highly regarded by our clients and project partners, and by their peers. I am delighted to confirm their appointments, and look forward to the contribution they’ll make to the continued evolution and growth of Boffa Miskell.”