Awards for People and Projects
16 December 2022
The final awards of 2022 include international recognition for the much-awarded Milford Opportunities Masterplan, and a Supreme Excellence Award for Rachel de Lambert.

International Award for Milford Opportunities Masterplan
After winning the New Zealand Planning Institute (NZPI) Best Practice Award for Strategic Planning and Guidance; and the Resource Management Law Association (RMLA) Project Award; the Milford Sound Piopiotahi Masterplan has been recognised by the Commonwealth Association of Planners (CAP).
The project won the Commonwealth Association of Planners 2022 Award for Planning for Conservation of the Built & Natural Environment and Cultural Heritage.
PCNZ Property People Awards
Throughout November and December, Property Council New Zealand (PCNZ) held the Property People Awards. These events celebrate the people and teams behind the projects, while the Industry Awards recognise the projects themselves.
The Tauranga and Hamilton offices were involved in three of the seven teams that were finalists for the Harrison Grierson Urban Design Award: Tamahere Country Club, Latitude Residences, and Kaimai Views. The category winner was Waipa District Council for the Perry Aquatic Centre Puna Kaukau o Te Oko Horoi Development.
Boffa Miskell sponsored the Excellence in Sustainability Award, which was won by the Foster Construction Team for the Profile Group Hautapu Facility — A 5 Green Star-rated industrial facility designed to showcase manufacturing excellence.
This combined production plant and office facility represents the first stage in developing a major industrial manufacturing campus in Hautapu, on the outskirts of Cambridge. The long-term masterplan sets out a self-sufficient development, allowing the company to grow and evolve over the next 50+ years.
Rachel de Lambert was named the recipient of the Ignite Architects Urban Design Award and went on to also win the Supreme Excellence Award for “creating not only practical but also appealing urban spaces.”
The judges praised Rachel as a pre-eminent urban designer who has had a significant impact in establishing and re-establishing many of Auckland, and New Zealand’s, urban spaces. They cited Rachel’s propensity to give back to the cities that she works with and pushing her clients to create good public spaces.
South Island
The ITB Plaza and Antarctic Walkway at Christchurch Airport project team was a finalist for the Resene Urban Design Award; and Te Raekura Redcliffs School (a Canopy Design project) was a finalist for the Co-Studio Best Team Award.
The He Puna Taimoana – Hot Pools by the Sea project team took home both the Resene Urban Design Award and the Supreme Excellence Award. Mapihi Martin-Paul worked on this project during her secondment to Matapopore Charitable Trust. She had a supporting role in writing the cultural narrative which was used as a basis for inspiration by the wider design team.
For further information please contact Rachel de Lambert, Jane Rennie or Tim Church