Boffa Miskell named to the Catholic Cathedral project team
14 May 2021
Boffa Miskell will lead the urban design and landscape architecture for the new Catholic Cathedral Precinct in Christchurch.

The site is bordered by Armagh Street, Colombo Street, Cambridge Terrace and Manchester Street. The development of the Catholic Cathedral Church Precinct (CCCP) brings the Catholic Church into the heart of the Christchurch’s Central City and forms a key element of the ‘North of Square’ regeneration.
The old Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament, on Barbadoes Street, was severely damaged in the earthquakes, and is scheduled to be demolished.
The new Catholic Cathedral Church Precinct will have its own timeless and distinct character and an important focus of Boffa Miskell’s role will be supporting this inherent uniqueness, while ensuring the precinct is well integrated within its context.
Members of the Boffa Miskell team have been heavily involved in the design of two key public spaces adjacent to the CCCP site – the Avon River Precinct and Victoria Square Restoration – and as such, have a strong understanding and appreciation of the locality. The landscape design will have an important role to play in ensuring the Precinct complements the open spaces and activities surrounding it, and this will be a key driver of our work.
American architectural firm Franck & Lohsen will lead the design of the Cathedral itself, with Warren + Mahoney as Associate Architects.
Initial design work has already commenced but the new cathedral is not expected to be completed for five years. Anticipated to seat 1000, the Cathedral Precinct will also include an open courtyard, chancery offices, and parking as well as an adjacent garden.
Also included in this team are RCP Project Management, Lewis Bradford Consulting Engineering, Novo Group planners, Ralwinson, Elliot Sinclair, Pattle Delamore and Powell Fenwick.
Boffa Miskell welcomes the opportunity to be part of the team involved in delivering such a significant project for both the Catholic community and the city of Christchurch.
For further information please contact Mark Brown, Gabe Ross, Hamish Cochrane, Tim Church, Olivia Johnstone, Jane Rennie, Kylie Boivin, Mapihi Martin-Paul or Laura Pyne