Carterton Town Centre Strategy
27 October 2020
Boffa Miskell has been facilitating the Mayoral Taskforce workshops consisting of engaging group exercises and discussions, developing a framework for the future of the town centre.

Carterton is a small town, about 80km northeast of Wellington. Like many small towns, it is facing a significant growth in population over the next 50 years. To help determine how the District can best manage this growth, Boffa Miskell are working with Carterton District Council on a number of projects including the Urban Growth Strategy in 2017, a Structure Plan for Carterton East, and a Town Centre Strategy.
Growth in population results in an increasing pressure on the town’s main street which is experiencing a boost in economy while having a relatively old building stock that is of mixed age and condition. A good framework is required to ensure that any potential development in the Town Centre is of benefit to the town and fits its long term vision.
Boffa Miskell has been facilitating a series of workshops with a local Taskforce to develop of a strategy for the Town Centre. This Taskforce was put together by the Mayor and includes Councillors, business owners and other relevant stakeholders.
The workshops consisted of engaging exercises and group discussions to identify key issues and opportunities, a vision for the Town Centre, and potential future scenarios. The outcome of these workshops will inform the development of a framework that will guide future development to positively contribute to the revitalisation of the Carterton Town Centre.
Find out more
Be Bold: Lessons learned from our work in Small Towns
Stuff: Could Carterton become a mini-Melbourne?
For further information please contact Jos Coolen or Hamish Wesney