A collaborative design and engagement process will help achieve multiple benefits from the widening and restoration of 1.3 km of Te Auaunga Awa (Oakley Creek) in Mount Roskill, Auckland.

Te Auaunga Awa stormwater project is intended to address significant flooding issues in Mt Roskill by transforming Te Auaunga Awa (Oakley Creek), through Underwood and Walmsley Reserves. Auckland Council has engaged Boffa Miskell and AECOM New Zealand as the project design team.
The project has progressed to the detailed design phase which involves a series of workshops to capture the aspirations of project partners and stakeholders, while also considering feedback from public submissions and interest groups. During this next stage of the project, which will extend until early 2016, we aim to achieve integrated design outcomes with our design partners for the numerous project elements, including:
- flood mitigation works;
- ecological rehabilitation of Te Auaunga Awa;
- upsizing of Sandringham Road culvert to improve stormwater capacity;
- two new road bridges at Beagle Avenue and Richardson Road
- two new pedestrian bridges, and
- upgrades to shared paths and playgrounds for the Underwood, Walmsley, and Owairaka Reserves.

Additional benefits will include the ongoing potential for intensified housing development in the catchment and the extension of what is becoming a regionally significant ‘river park’ along Te Auaunga Awa. The enhanced reserves will incorporate restored native habitats, walking and cycleways, as well as opportunities for play, food gathering, and learning for the local community.
Collaboration has been key throughout the duration of this project, bringing together many diverse stakeholders such as many units within Auckland Council, Mana Whenua, Watercare, Auckland Transport, Housing New Zealand Corporation, community groups, schools, and artists.
Wider project outcomes will include community business development, work-to-employment schemes that will benefit disadvantaged and unemployed youth, and broader community outreach programmes through schools, community organisations, and open days.