Boffa Miskell was appointed in December 2016 by Auckland Transport to undertake the design for the Ōtāhuhu Town Centre Streetscape Upgrade.

The area will experience significant growth over the next 30 years and to prepare for this, the revitalisation and enhancement of the town centre, and improved connectivity through the centre and to Ōtāhuhu Station, is a priority.
The scope of the project encompasses:
- Great South Road, (Princes St to Atkinson Ave)
- Station Road, (Great South Road to Saleyards Road / Walmsley Road)
- Mason Avenue, (Great South Road to Station Road)

The recently completed concept design explored primarily how to create a well-connected high quality town centre where the design responds to character and functionality of each precinct. Various points of focus have been explored, with opportunities to maximise accessibility to the town centre to encourage social interactions and to evoke cultural / heritage interventions. Safety and sustainability have also been considered throughout the design process.
The upgrade is an Auckland Council project that will be delivered by Auckland Transport. Boffa Miskell is the lead consultant for the project and the project team includes civil / structural engineer (Envivo), traffic engineer (TPC), quantity surveyor (Cuesko), electrical engineer (LDP), arborist (Greenscene).