Four projects short-listed for 2022 NZILA Awards
16 March 2022
The NZILA Awards judges have notified all projects that have been short-listed for the 2022 Resene New Zealand Institute of Landscape Architecture Awards.

As a company, Boffa Miskell submitted projects across a number of categories including Parks, Open Spaces and Recreation, Education and Play, Civic and Urban Design, Residential and Gardens, Institutional and Commercial, Masterplanning and Urban Design Strategy, and He Iti Pounamu.
Additionally, as part of the City Centre Design Collective for Tāmaki Makaurau we were part of the entry for the Downtown Infrastructure Development Programme.
Four of our projects have been short-listed in their category:
- Residential and Gardens: Gulf Rise, Precinct 1
- Parks, Open Spaces and Recreation: Puhi Kai Iti / Cook Landing
- Masterplanning and Urban Design Strategy: Milford Opportunities Masterplan; as well as the Downtown Infrastructure Development Programme.
- Education and Play: Te Āhuru Mōwai Playground
The 2022 NZILA Conference and Awards Dinner will be held in Auckland in October.