Health Precinct vision unveiled by University of Otago
17 June 2021
The University of Otago has released a plan to create a Health Precinct which will concentrate research facilities, laboratories and health businesses alongside the new Dunedin Hospital.

A purpose-built medical research facility ideally co-located on the new hospital site, new state-of-the art Health Sciences buildings including “superlabs”, and upgrades to the University’s historic medical buildings form key parts of the vision.
The creation of an identifiable health quarter with modern facilities aims to attract health industries to the city by strengthening collaboration and showcasing Dunedin’s strength in medical research and education.
Boffa Miskell contributed the urban design and landscape elements, in support of the wider Health Sciences Master Plan.
Project lead Mark Brown says, “Our role included undertaking review and summary of existing university and central city strategies and masterplans, and development and facilitation of a stakeholder engagement strategy for University of Otago internal stakeholders and key external partners.
“Following this, we summarised stakeholder feedback, along with site analysis and research findings, to develop urban design and landscape principles that informed the precinct vision.”
The key design principles are:
TAIAO PŪTAIAO – Health Sciences on Display
WHAKAPAPA – Heritage and History
HAUORA – Healthy Spaces
ARAHONOHONO – Healthy Connections
“Development of the Health Sciences Precinct Plan incorporates the project principles and vision in the development of spaces and connections through the precinct,” says Mark. “We also assisted with identification of potential ‘early projects’ that could be implemented as catalysts for the development of the wider precinct.”
Boffa Miskell’s involvement in this project supports early coordination and information sharing with other major projects we are involved with, including the New Dunedin Hospital, Shaping Future Dunedin Transport and existing project work with Dunedin City Council.
The 20-30 year vision for a Health Precinct and Health Sciences Campus is aspirational and is dependent on other parties supporting an integrated and planned precinct. The various components of the overall plan will need to be worked through with key partners including Ngāi Tahu, Ministry of Health, the Southern District Health Board, and Dunedin City Council.
Find out more
Community engagement: Using digital tools for greater public understanding
For further information please contact Mark Brown, Rachael Eaton or Emma Taylor