Marist Herne Bay were about to undergo a roll growth project, with a new Innovative Learning Environment double-storey classroom block being constructed to the rear of existing hard courts. The school wanted to successfully integrate the new building with the existing space, as well as create opportunities for more play, outdoor learning and sustainability initiatives across the whole school site.
A significant level change across the long site effectively cuts the school in half, with grass playing fields to the front and hard-surfaced courts to the rear via stair access. The school had many ideas from children, staff and families about all the things they would like to do but were struggling with how to improve the courtyard space being created by the large new building.
We developed a long-term landscape masterplan for the school, with a series of both small and large projects that could be undertaken by whanau working bees, PTA fundraising and professional design. To address the issue of the hot, underutilised courtyard space, Boffa Miskell proposed a complete re-surface in artificial turf, with court markings and games, as well as several seating and shade options for future implementation.
The school undertook the turf project as soon as the new building was complete and have been delighted with the result.