NZILA announces Registered Members for 2021
15 December 2021

Auckland-based landscape architects Monica Bainbridge and Rangitahi Kawe are among the graduate members who successfully passed the 2021 Registration interview and are now Registered Members of the New Zealand Institute of Landscape Architects Tuia Pito Ora (NZILA).
Monica joined Boffa Miskell in 2018, bringing extensive design experience on commercial and private gardens across a range of scales. Her excellent knowledge of exotic and native plant species, coupled with strong conceptual and planting design skills is her key strength.
Peter Whiting was Monica’s mentor through the registration process and says, “Monica is passionate about everything design, and is very much respected for her plant knowledge and her ability to artfully construct beautiful planting assemblages.”
Monica’s project work includes social housing developments, retirement villages, high-end private residences, complex large-scale development and revegetation schemes, stormwater outlet upgrades, shopping malls and podium courtyards. In all of these she expresses her strong passion for horticulture and graphic communication through both computer aided design and hand drawings.
“Monica is a happy, bubbly person to have in the office and is never short of a joke, story, meme or Netflix show recommendation,” says Peter. “She’s a great team member!”
Rangitahi joined Boffa Miskell in August 2018 as a Graduate Landscape
Architect to explore his interest in urban streetscapes, public space and
playground design projects. He has a Master’s Degree in Landscape Architecture from Victoria University of Wellington.
“Rangitahi is a natural storyteller who brings clients and stakeholders along on a design journey, and provides for places and spaces that respond in both meaningful and practical ways.” says his mentor, Mark Lewis
He’s become a key member of the design team, working on a wide range of projects from inner city public spaces to industrial developments and estates; including a number of high-profile projects, such as the Penlink Project, Drury South Development, and Marton Playspace.
“Rangitahi is a loyal and kind-natured person who adds positivity to the team,” says Mark. “He’s going to do great things for our communities.”