Rebecca Ryder named Fellow of the NZILA
18 August 2023
The designation of Fellow of the New Zealand Institute of Landscape Architects Tuia Pito Ora is conferred upon senior members of the profession, recognising their distinguished work, expertise and particular contribution to landscape, landscape architecture, and the profession.

Throughout her career in landscape architecture Rebecca has involved herself in advancing the profession both in her leading practice and through her involvement in advocacy and institute affairs.
She joined Boffa Miskell’s new Tauranga Moana office in 2001 and has had an important influence on many of the key landscape matters across the Bay of Plenty and Central North Island regions including open space planning and development; landscape and natural character evaluation, management, and protection; infrastructure projects; and participating in a number of the region’s important cases before the Environment Court.
Testament to the respect given to Rebecca’s comprehension of landscape matters and opinion was her role assisting Hastings District Council following the construction of the Te Mata Peak – Craggy Range Track, which caused both cultural offence to Mana Whenua and a substantial scar to the Outstanding Natural Landscape of Te Mata-o-Rongokako. Her skills in diplomacy as well as advocacy for landscape outcomes played a part in resolving the outcome for landscape redress.
Rebecca is currently the project lead for the Memorial Park to CBD Walkway | Te Hononga ki Te Awanui; Stage One of a series of projects which will transform the Tauranga waterfront.
Kopurererua Valley has been a longstanding undertaking for Rebecca working alongside iwi and Council representatives as well as the community. It was nominated, with her assistance, by Council and Mana Whenua for an NZRA (now Recreation Aotearoa) award; receiving the Outstanding Project award in 2018.

Rebecca’s extensive project leadership in the area of open space planning and reserve management plans includes the Tauranga City Reserve Management Plans and Havelock Hills Reserve Management Plan (2021 – ongoing).
As a respected and experienced practitioner, Rebecca provides expert peer review in respect of applications for resource consent on behalf of Tauranga City Council.
Rebecca is a Partner and Director at Boffa Miskell. She has a strong understanding of strategy and governance, which has been important in her contribution to Boffa Miskell and to Tuia Pito Ora, the New Zealand Institute of Landscape Architects.
From 1997 until the present Rebecca has been a committee member of the Tuia Pito Ora, Central North Island Branch.
For over 15 years Rebecca was an Executive Committee Member of Tuia Pito Ora with roles of Vice President and Treasurer as well as numerous important portfolio responsibilities including the RMA Reform Submission Working Group & the Working Group on Governance. She brings her networks, skills, and experience in practice to her roles for the Institute and is a strong advocate for landscape architecture.
Balancing parenthood and many activities outside of her work life Rebecca has always made time to be active in landscape architecture and maintain an important voice for the profession in her neighbourhood, city, region, and nation.