Then and Now: Governor’s Bay Environmental Study (1974)
17 March 2022
Carried out almost 50 years ago, this was one of New Zealand's first comprehensive environmental assessments involving a range of specialist disciplines. Frank Boffa explains the project:

“Following sustained pressure from a large landowner for an expansive residential development on the eastern side of Lyttelton Harbour, in 1974 Frank Boffa and Associates in conjunction with Christchurch-based Architects Lucking and Vial were engaged by the Mount Herbert County Council to carry out an in-depth environmental assessment of the area to inform and assist Council decision-making on future development within the wider Governors Bay Area.
“The objective of the multidisciplinary study was to identify landscape, visual, social, ecological and land use considerations, constraints and opportunities; so as to ensure any further development of the area recognised, protected and/or enhanced the nature and character of the wider area.
“The study essentially adopted the Ian McHarg Design with Nature approach, and the recognition that the landscape represents the interaction and interdependence of many natural processes. The plan that was developed evolved from a synthesis of the various environmental factors relevant to the identification and carrying capacity for development, in the context of a sustainable and integrated land-use management plan for the entire study area.
“Allendale, an area at the head of Lyttelton Harbour, was identified as being the most suitable area for a low-density rural village-type development. Based on environmental considerations including some significant land use constraints, the Allendale Valley, being visually well contained in its rural setting, was selected as being the most appropriate location for future development of a low-density rural village complimenting the existing Governors Bay settlement to the north.”
The settlement of Governor’s Bay is located on Banks Peninsula near the head of Lyttelton Harbour. Over the 48 years since this Environmental Study, Boffa Miskell has undertaken many diverse projects around Lyttelton Harbour.
In addition to award-winning designs for Te Ana Marina and Waterfront Development (2013 – 2018) and Albion Square (2014), our ecologists and biosecurity consultants have undertaken penguin surveys and catchment-wide ecological restoration and pest control.
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Then and Now: Kimihia Mine (1978) and Kimihia Lakes (2021)