Transport study wins supreme award
16 April 2015
After winning the Landscape Planning and Environmental Studies award category, the City East West Transport Study (CEWTS), which was commissioned by Auckland Transport, went on to receive the esteemed Supreme Award.

The City East West Transport Study brings together the public space and transport strategies for Auckland’s inner city. Working with Aurecon transportation engineers and planners, Boffa Miskell brought landscape planning, urban design, GIS and visualisation expertise to the project team. The judges recognised the project for stretching the public’s traditional understanding of landscape architecture through ‘innovative approaches to landscape planning’ and effective visualisations of what the recommended transport options would look like.
Traditionally, landscape architecture expertise would not have been sought for transport planning but, in this instance, Boffa Miskell’s landscape architecture input facilitated a holistic approach to designing future transport routes that takes into account the effects on the public realm.
Rachel de Lambert, Technical Leader: Design said of the win, “We are pleased that the category judges recognised the significant contribution that this work has made to an area that is perhaps less frequently the domain of landscape architects. To then win the Charlie Challenger supreme award was a special delight, we certainly feel the work is worthy of the award and are gratified that the judges also felt so.”
Other winners
Two more Boffa Miskell projects also won their respective categories in the landscape architecture awards. The Transport Agency Urban Design and Landscape Guidelines won the Landscape Publication Award and the La Rosa Reserve Stream Daylighting project was the recipient of the Sustainability Award. Both of these projects were recognised for contributing to a positive change in the way future urban water and highway projects in New Zealand will be envisioned.