Bec Ramsay


Kaihoahoa Whenua | Landscape Architect
Kaiwhiri | Associate Principal

I can provide specialist advice, technical expertise and delivery of a wide range of projects and work programmes in open space and recreation planning, landscape planning and landscape architecture.

Before joining Boffa Miskell, I worked in local government and gained a depth and breadth of knowledge in open space and recreation planning. This ranged from strategic integration — with city-wide spatial planning and strategy development — right through to the technicalities of planning and approvals under the Reserves Act and Wellington Town Belt Act.

I have experience in landscape planning and landscape architecture with sound knowledge of the Resource Management Act through the preparation of landscape and visual impact assessments.

I have prepared and project managed a range of reserve management plans (Wellington Town Belt, Outer Green Belt, Suburban Reserves) and other open space and recreation policies and plans, such as the Wellington Play Spaces Policy and Te Kopahou Tracks Network Plan.

I can clearly articulate the strategic priority and fit of projects and work programmes, carefully outline well-researched, accurate options and alternatives, and gain support for ideas and proposals. I am grounded in practical knowledge of parks and public realm management and design.

I am passionate about parks and public spaces and the value they have in shaping how places look, feel and function. I can bring a depth of knowledge to all work that requires an understanding of the potential for public open space and parks to help address some of the ‘big issues’, such as climate change, biodiversity loss, urban growth, and human health and wellbeing.

With a varied career, I have a special interest in the integration of open space planning and investment into planning for and managing urban growth and change. I draw on my breadth of experience to ensure our clients get the very best advice and support to achieve their required outcomes.


PGDip Environmental Studies, Victoria University, NZ
Bachelor of Landscape Architecture, Lincoln University, NZ


Member, New Zealand Institute of Landscape Architects (NZILA)
Member, Recreation Aotearoa
Member, Urban Design Forum