Dr. Helen Blackie


Kaiwhakamaru Taiao | Biosecurity Consultant
Kaihere | Associate Partner

I have over two decades' experience in conservation and pest management, with a focus on predator ecology. I My background is in the academic sector and I am currently leading multiple research projects, in New Zealand and internationally, focused on innovations in pest control and surveillance, as well as the development of novel technologies to improve conservation management practices. I have extensive project management experience, leading large complex multi-disciplinary projects for the private and public sectors.

I also provide strategic and operational advice to projects looking to achieve ecological restoration, with a focus on how to remove invasive species to allow the natural environment to flourish.

Additionally, I have significant experience in the development of mitigation plans for consenting purposes, the preparation of evidence, and as an expert witness in council level hearings and in the Environment Court.


PhD, Environmental Science, University of Auckland
MSc, (Hons, 1st), Biological Science, University of Auckland
BSc, Biological Science, University of Auckland


Member, Technical Advisory Group for TBFree NZ
Member, New Zealand Ecological Society
Member, Australasian Wildlife Management Society