Liz Gavin


Kaiwhakamahere Whenua | Landscape Planner
Pouwhiri Matua | Senior Principal

My project work typically involves landscape and visual effects assessments (LVEA) and natural character assessments associated with resource consents, plan changes and spatial planning projects. I have experience with participating in public consultation for plan changes and spatial planning projects. I have also undertaken numerous peer reviews for Councils. I am well-versed in evidence preparation and appearance at council hearings and before the Environment Court. I have appeared before the Environment Court in relation to some 30 cases over the years.

My main areas of experience include the identification and assessment of effects in respect of outstanding natural landscapes and features, and assessment in respect of plan changes, land development and subdivision, special housing areas, large-scale master planning, and aquaculture projects. I have worked on regional landscape studies in Marlborough and Nelson.

I have over 20 years' experience in my field and began my career in Queenstown. I am an accredited RMLA Commissioner, with a strong interest in coastal adaption, nature-based solutions and the ways that landscapes and a sense of place can contribute to community identity and well-being.


Bachelor of Landscape Architecture (Hons)


Registered Member, New Zealand Institute of Landscape Architects (NZILA)
Member, Resource Management Law Association (RMLA)