Sap Srisomnuk


Kaihoahoa Whenua | Landscape Architect
Kaiaho | Graduate

I have a strong interest in understanding how things are built as well as what’s happening on the ground. My passion has always been the feeling underfoot with each step I take, which got me enthusiastic to understand what the underground contains.

Before joining Boffa Miskell, most of my design experiences were orientated around the preliminary and design development stages. With the range of projects that I have been involved in, I continue to gain more experience and develop my skills in construction and detailing. I tend to use my hand-drawing skill to put ideas out there and believe it is always a useful tool worth maintaining.

I enjoy working in a collaborative environment and picking up many cool thoughts from everyone around me. Learning from the team is always the fun part.


Bachelor of Architectural Studies, Victoria University of Wellington
Master of Landscape Architecture, Victoria University of Wellington


Member, New Zealand Institute of Landscape Architects (NZILA)