Tanya Cook


Kaimātai Hauropi | Ecologist
Kaiwhiri | Associate Principal

I'm a freshwater ecologist with experience working on a range of freshwater and terrestrial projects, including stream and lake ecological assessments, water quality and biological monitoring and wetland delineation and assessments. Much of my work involves undertaking field surveys, spatial analysis and reporting writing; I'm also experienced with terrestrial and marine surveys, preparing restoration plans, pest control and environmental education.

Prior to joining Boffa Miskell, I worked in Local and Central Government, environmental consulting and the tertiary education sector. I enjoy working with clients and in collaborative settings to achieve positive environmental outcomes.


Graduate Diploma in Teaching (Secondary), University of Auckland, 2012
Bachelor of Science (Hons, 1st), Ecology, Massey University, 2002
Bachelor of Science, Ecology and Zoology, Massey University, 2001


Member, New Zealand Freshwater Sciences Society
Member, New Zealand Ecological Society
Member, Environment Institute of Australia and New Zealand (EIANZ)