Yvonne Pflüger


Kaiwhakamahere Whenua | Landscape Planner
Pouhere | Partner

I specialise in preparing landscape and visual assessments for development projects within sensitive environments, as well as presentation of evidence for Council and Environment Court hearings, mediation and expert conferencing.

I have assisted several District/ Regional Councils in the South Island with the review of their plans by preparing territorial landscape studies and have also prepared landscape assessments for private plan changes and Special Housing Areas.

For the Queenstown Lakes District Plan Review I prepared evidence for submitters related to the contents of several plan chapters and site-specific re-zoning requests, including Jacks Point residential area and several ski and resort zones. I bring a good understanding of project and client requirements and can provide meaningful input into the design process to minimise potential effects of projects in sensitive landscapes.

Additional relevant expertise includes my delivery of landscape value assessments, identification of Outstanding Natural Landscapes, advice regarding the development of appropriate management mechanisms and evidence for plan review hearings. I provide peer reviews and advice on consent applications to the EPA and various councils and was recently involved in the preparation of Spatial Plans. Whilst working in Europe, I prepared a number of visitor management plans for protected areas.


Bachelor of Landscape Architecture and Planning, BOKU University, Vienna, Austria
Master of Landscape Architecture and Planning, Vienna, Austria
Master of Natural Resource Management & Ecological Engineering, Lincoln University


Certified Environmental Practitioner (General Practitioner), Environment Institute of Australia and New Zealand (EIANZ) 
Registered member, NZ Institute of Landscape Architects
Member, Resource Management Law Association (RMLA)
IAP2 Certificate in Public Participation