Selecting the new position for this significant structure required careful balancing of many considerations

The Citizens’ War Memorial has formed the focus for memorial events in Cathedral Square for many generations and is considered a superb example of Art Deco-influenced memorial structures.

The memorial had to be removed from the existing site north of the Cathedral to allow the enabling works for reinstatement work. While this is being restored offsite the client and Council had to select a location for the memorial reconstruction.



Worked with

Planz Consultants
Heritage Management Services
Christchurch City Council
Warren and Mahoney

Project date

2020 - 2021

Selecting the new position for this historically and culturally significant structure required a fine balance of giving appropriate space for both the Memorial and adjacent Cathedral, achieving the ceremonially important east-west orientation, and fitting into the existing urban fabric of the square.

The goal was to provide a setting that reflected the importance of the Memorial to the wider community, allowed improved access and circulation to and around the structure, and complemented the wider heritage and cultural values of the square.

The context of the site is complicated with a large number of vacant sites surrounding the square, relationships to the significant heritage and elements formed by the Cathedral, Godley Reserve, and Chalice sculpture. Compounding this is the spatial constraints of the active tramlines and level changes north of the site.

Boffa Miskell prepared BIM models as part of the Cathedral reinstatement work to generate a series of sections and plan studies to help inform the final proposed memorial location.

Our role > Landscape Architecture, Urban Design and CPTED Assessment in support of the Concept Design and Resource Consent Application.

Explore more

Boffa Miskell selected for Christ Church Cathedral Reinstatement >
Christ Church Cathedral Reinstatement >
Christchurch City Council: Citizens’ War memorial on the move

Stuff: Christchurch’s Citizens’ War Memorial blessed ahead of its removal for restoration of Christ Church Cathedral (25 March 2021)

Inside Government: Princess Anne to rededicate Christchurch war memorial (17 February 2023)

Otago Daily Times: Hundreds welcome Princess Anne to Christchurch