Our largest CPTED project to date, significantly shaping the design to enhance safety and create a healthier environment.

The construction of the New Dunedin Hospital is underway, which will become the main referral hospital for the Southland DHB. It will be a modern, efficient and patient-centred teaching hospital utilising the latest technology to gain greater efficiency and care for patients. The New Dunedin Hospital spans two city blocks in central Dunedin, interfacing with the iconic former Cadbury factory. It includes both In-patient and Out-patient hospitals, staff facilities and public realm.


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Project team

Jane Rennie
Kylie Boivin

Worked with

Warren and Mahoney

Project date

2019 - ongoing

Boffa Miskell has been engaged to provide CPTED services and have guided the project through multiple design iterations. The CPTED assessment centres around creating a safe environment which supports a sense of well-being. Hospitals have a wide range of people visiting 24 hours a day, often experiencing significant stress, or who are vulnerable - promoting a safe environment for them is critical in fully realising the potential of the facility.

Our focus was to reduce opportunities for crime and antisocial behaviour in the first instance, which is largely achieved through the positioning of ‘active’ uses to create busy and well-supervised external spaces. This is a challenge for a hospital, with many of the clinical uses requiring privacy and being quite inward-looking. We used CPTED strategies focusing activity on key circulation routes and clearly defining public from private spaces. Another key focus was to reduce risks for staff on their journeys to and from work, through providing safe and convenient end-of-trip facilities.

Another focus of the CPTED work was to produce an environment which supports the health and well-being of staff and visitors to the site, to reduce stress and opportunities for conflict. Hospitals are intense environments which have significant crime statistics, providing places where people can escape and ‘take a break’ can promote better social outcomes.

Boffa Miskell also led the planning for this project and provided a Visual Assessment to support the consenting pathway.

Images provided by Warren and Mahoney.