Supporting mana whenua, community, and Council goals to manage erosion and reduce sediment entering waterways and the coastal environment.

Otago Regional Council (ORC) engaged Boffa Miskell to help develop a Hill Country Erosion Strategy and support materials for the Otago Erosion Control – Capacity Building, Prioritisation and Rehabilitation Project.

This long-term initiative aims to reinvigorate the council’s role in erosion control, to improve water quality and enhance long term sustainable land use. Council is working to identify priority catchments within the Hill Country that are experiencing significant erosion issues. These range from coastal through to subalpine environments with a correspondingly diverse range of ecosystem and microclimate types.



Worked with

Ridley Dunphy
Murray Harris
Alice Porter

Project date


The ORC hill country erosion program is very early in the development process and while there are local experts with deep knowledge on the topic there was little available information to inform the project. 

Boffa Miskell worked with erosion specialists Ridley Dunphy Environmental to draw on the learnings from more developed erosion control programs in regions such as Waikato and Nelson and prepare erosion control plan templates, a decision flow chart and develop a recommended vegetation species list for high country land use types.

Complementing this was preparation of a Regional Erosion Control Strategy that included:

  • Outlining the extent of the problems and need for intervention,
  • Existing tools and existing knowledge base,
  • Erosion risk and prioritisation strategies for both Hill Country and non-hill country landscapes.
  • Assessment of long-term resourcing requirements to implement the program including funding, staffing, nursery industry capacity and supply. 
  • Review of policy and regulations that drive and regulate erosion control in the region.
  • Recommendations for how to engage with the various rōpū and iwi organisations across the region to build support for the program and ensure mātauranga māori is appropriately incorporated into the strategy, particularly in respect of areas of significance to iwi and on Māori land. 

Recognising the early stage of the program and the diversity of landscapes and climates in the region, the templates and decision flowcharts were adapted and simplified to provide a clear and achievable erosion control approaches. These can be developed and added to as the region’s knowledge base, expertise and resourcing evolves.

The project was successfully delivered under both tight timeframes and budgets. ORC staff, external experts, and nursery contacts throughout the South Island all contributed to the process.
