Strengthening the connection to the river and the community

Ōmōkihi, on the former Christchurch South Library site, is located within a residential community in a bend of the Ōpāwaho | Heathcote River at the base of the Port Hills. The site has a green, park-like character within the river corridor. With a sunny northern aspect and a quiet, car-free environment, the site is a comfortable place for people to spend time in.

The landscape concept aims to sensitively integrate the building with the context, making a strong visual and physical connection the Ōpāwaho River.

Three conceptual ideas guide the connection of the library with the Ōpāwaho river context:

  1. Draw the landscape in, connect out and through, and integrate topography. The landscape design will strengthen the connection between the Library and the river context and provide a range of useable outdoor spaces for people to enjoy. Movement routes are established in anticipation of future projects along the Ōpāwaho River Corridor and Pipeyards Reserve to the south.
  2. The site has undergone significant modification through urbanisation. The river corridor has been tightened with steeper banks and asphalt roads on either side. The vegetation is predominantly grass and exotic trees. There is an area of low native planting associated with stormwater management from the car park. The exotic trees and the ‘leafy’ character the provide is highly valued by many people in the community. There is crowding in some areas that has affected the health of some trees and the density of planting affects visibility of the Library and generally around the site.
  3. The landscape design integrates the library with the river context using native planting, pathways and a collection of outdoor spaces where people can sit and enjoy the park-like environment. Main entries are provided from both the south and the north, strengthening the connection the river corridor. The car park is refurbished and cycle parking is upgraded.