Supporting mana whenua-led design and management of a wetland landscape.
The Whakaora Te Waikēkēwai project seeks to restore the lower and mid reaches of Te Waikēkēwai | The Waikēkēwai Stream. The landscape and watercourses within the catchment have been extensively degraded following conversion to farmland. Te Taumutu Rūnanga are leading a long-term restoration plan with the vision to restore the cultural and ecological values of the area by enhancing and increasing mahinga kai habitat, improving water quality, and increasing indigenous biodiversity.
The Papatahora Stream is a tributary of Te Waikēkēwai. The naturally low-lying area was selected as a site to re-create a significant repo |wetland as an educational exemplar for iwi-led regeneration of the wider catchment. The site had several complexities to consider including multiple stakeholders, variable seasonal water flows and hydraulic connections to Te Waihora/Lake Ellesmere.