Porters is the closest Ski Field to Christchurch, making it a popular winter destination.

In 2018, the ski field proposed development of further on-mountain tourist and recreation activities for year-round use. These activities include expansion of an existing mountain bike trail that was limited to the Village sub-zone area. The proposed extension of the trail network includes the Porters Lower Slopes and Crystal Valley sub-zones. As part of the consenting process, an ecological values assessment, and a landscape and visual effects assessment was required.



Project date


The Boffa Miskell landscape planning and ecology teams prepared the assessment of the proposal and its effects within this Outstanding Natural Landscape (ONL) area, within a restricted discretionary and discretionary activity context. The teams have been able to further assist the client by making recommendations on lowering the impacts of the proposed expansion on native vegetation and waterways, along with the impacts of construction and its long-term maintenance. This led to a successful consenting outcome for the client who received approval in the same year.