One of New Zealand's largest coastal restoration projects.

Project Manukau was one of New Zealand’s largest construction projects ($451 million budget). It involved a major upgrade of the Mangere Wastewater Treatment Plant, including the removal of 500 hectares of oxidation ponds from Manukau Harbour and the rehabilitation of 13 kilometres of coastal foreshore.

The project was undertaken by Watercare Services Limited – the Auckland region’s bulk water and wastewater service provider. Boffa Miskell prepared a Coastal and Foreshore Restoration Plan and was responsible for the design concepts, construction drawings and contract documents required to implement the landscape works.



Worked with

Makaurau Marae
Project Manukau Community Liaison Group
Watercare Services Ltd

Project date

1999 - ongoing


Vice President's Award of Excellence | Eastern Region Awards | International Federation of Landscape Architects (IFLA)

Our multidisciplinary team included specialists in landscape architecture, ecology, and interpretative signage. We developed a concept plan that would be in keeping with the original form and character of Manukau Harbour and would also:

  • restore ecosystems;
  • rehabilitate the coastal environment, including the protection of sensitive bird habitats;
  • mitigate the visual impact of structures;
  • recognise important cultural heritage values; and
  • provide for passive recreation by developing paths, signage, on-site interpretation and visitor facilities.

The landscape works included the planting of more than 300,000 native seedlings, grown from eco-sourced seed, and the construction of 13 kilometres of walking tracks, as well as the installation of bird hides, car parking, boardwalks and interpretative signage.
