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Global Leisure Group, who we collaborated with throughout the project undertook a detailed sport and recreation needs analysis. The purpose of the Needs Analysis and Issues and Options report is a reference document. It provides background information to inform the spatial assessment and development of the masterplan for the masterplans.

The report was compiled from targeted stakeholder and community consultation via workshops, encounter sessions at key community destinations and focus groups with young residents.

This allowed us to test what was a want versus a need with key stakeholders and the community and provided us valuable spatial requirements for designing. 



Worked with

106 Architects
Global Leisure Group

Project date

2018 - 2020

The Project Team (Boffa Miskell, Global Leisure Group, 106 Architects, Kauati and Holmes) was commissioned by QLDC to develop a sport and recreation masterplan to understand current and future sport and recreation demands for Queenstown, Wānaka and the wider catchment, and set a vision to inform investment and development over the next 20 years.The masterplan focuses on the Queenstown Events Centre (QEC) and the Wānaka Recreation Centre (WRC). While each have their own opportunities and challenges, both are constrained for space, and it has been identified that regardless of spatial layout on each site, additional sites will be required in the future in order to provide for the expected demand.

It is critical that QEC and WRC will remain the central hubs, with satellite sites supporting district-wide needs. The overall aim of the masterplan is to build on the considerable success of both QEC and WRC and to realise their potential through a cohesive long-term plan that can be implemented in stages.

The masterplan considers QEC and WRC within their context and their relationships and linkages to surrounding communities and natural environments. Both contexts are changing rapidly and the masterplan team have coordinated where possible with adjacent property owners and design teams to ensure development on each is complimentary.

Proposed layouts were developed for both sites, driven by the overarching vision of “more people, more active, more often’ and more connected”. This relies on the community feeling a connection to the place and having multiple reasons to participate in the site, whether it be as part of their daily journey, for community functions, social interaction, events, recreation or organised sport.

In considering future facilities to meet sporting and active recreation needs, it is essential that we learn from the past and ensure that future facilities are developed in a robust and planned way. Sport NZ’s National Sport Facilities Framework identifies a set of planning principles to improve future decision-making when investing in facilities. They are:

  • Sustainability: Consideration of life costs
  • Co-location and integration
  • Future-proofing / adaptability
  • Accessibility
  • Partnering / collaboration and coordination

Development of the masterplan has been informed by engagement with QLDC staff, events professionals, user groups and the Wānaka Community Board. Recreation Aotearoa have undertaken a peer review of the initial draft masterplan.