Revitalising a rural town centre in the Bay of Plenty.

Te Puke is a rural town with a strong community spirit, and is a connection point to towns within the Bay of Plenty, the East Coast and Rotorua. The Te Puke town centre was a main traffic corridor for many travellers but, with the construction of the Eastern Link, faced the reduction in volume of people going through the township.

Western Bay of Plenty District Council consulted Boffa Miskell regarding the redevelopment of the Te Puke Town center alongside traffic reviews of key intersections on either side of the township.


Bay of Plenty

Worked with


Project date

2015 - 2016

The design focused on creating a main street which was more pedestrianised, with increased ease of parking and positioning Te Puke as a beautiful destination town centre. This initial concept was intended to inform part of a larger revitalisation push of the town centre; and provide a solution to the issue of high-speed of traffic passing through the main shopping street.

Community consultation was a key aspect of the project. This input from residents helped shape the final design decisions; including a polarising decision to remove some on-street parking and reduce traffic to one lane, with mixed resident reaction.