Leading efforts to protect the top of the South Island from damaging marine pests and diseases

The Top of the South (TOS) Marine Biosecurity Partnership works together to prevent new marine pests from being introduced or establishing in the Top of the South marine environment, managing established pests, and responding effectively to new incursions. The group is a collaboration between Nelson City Council, Tasman District Council, Marlborough District Council, Greater Wellington Regional Council, and Biosecurity New Zealand.

The TOS Partnership works closely with key partners such as mana whenua, Department of Conservation, Aquaculture New Zealand, Marine Farming Association, marina and port companies and recreational boat operators to improve regional marine biosecurity planning, advocacy, and action.

The Partnership engaged Boffa Miskell in November 2023 to oversee biosecurity activities, and stakeholder communication and engagement, for a three-year term.


Top of the South

Worked with

Tasman District Council
Marlborough District Council
Greater Wellington Regional Council
Biosecurity New Zealand, a unit of the Ministry for Primary Industries
Wai Dive Services
TC Environmental

Project date

2023 - ongoing

The Boffa Miskell project team manages the coordination and supports the biosecurity initiatives of the councils, Biosecurity New Zealand, and stakeholders including marine owners and mana whenua.

Boffa Miskell's engagement expertise plays a key role in enabling the partners to share information and raising awareness of marine biosecurity. This is done through regular meetings, workshops, presentations, and engagement activities, including managing the Partnership's website, newsletters, and stakeholder connections.

Additionally, our biosecurity experts provide science advice, oversee regional surveillance work, and analyse data to inform the Partnership's strategic efforts in marine biosecurity and provide support when responding to biosecurity incidents as needed. This comprehensive approach aims to enhance public understanding, engagement, and regional surveillance, supporting the successful implementation of marine biosecurity activities and fostering a productive partnership.  

Boffa Miskell undertook a review of the Top of the South Marine Biosecurity Strategy in May 2024. The Strategy outlines the purpose, aims, opportunities and challenges of the partnership, guided by a 10-year vision statement: "The Top of the South's marine ecological function is maintained and continues to be a rich and healthy ecosystem that sustains the needs of present and future generations".

Following this, the project team developed an Operational Plan, which details the collective operational and behaviour-change activities to be delivered by the Partnership for the 2024/25 and 2025/26 financial years.