Climate change
Huringa Āhuarangi
Ensuring reliant and sustainable climate change adaptation and mitigation in every environment. We provide innovative climate change response assessment, planning, and action delivery across New Zealand Government and the private sector.
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The forefront of our climate change response approach is to shape resilient natural, built, and social environments for current and future generations to live, work, play and enjoy. We are committed to a sustainable science-based transition towards a low-emission, climate-resilient Aotearoa New Zealand. Climate action is at the centre of our decision-making to provide proactive and innovative assessments, strategies, and designs to ensure we actively contribute to averting the worst effects of climate change.
Climate change is one of the greatest challenges of our time. The built environment is one of the largest sources of anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions and we acknowledge we have a significant role and responsibility to recognise, measure, and find ways to reduce this in the projects we are working on.
Our inter-disciplinary approach enables the practical implementation of adaptation pathways towards a resilient and enhanced future environment. We consider a diversity of values and perspectives to design holistic adaptation pathways for long-term resilience at a range of complementary scales.
Meaningful adaptation to climate change risks requires a shared understanding between competing values and land uses. We believe collaboration fosters innovative responses to the challenges faced by climate change adaptation, recognising the complex interactions between present and future values relating to our landscapes and communities.