Supporting the growth of one of the West Coast's most-visited tourist spots in a sensitive landscape environment.

The Dolomite Point Redevelopment Project seeks to create an authentic and compelling visitor experience as the key gateway to the Pancake Rocks and the Paparoa National Park, whilst providing opportunities for economic growth of the West Coast region. 

Boffa Miskell urban designers and landscape architects assisted in preparing an application for provincial growth funding to develop a concept masterplan.


West Coast

Worked with

Traffic Design Group
Ngati Waewae

Project date

2016 - 2017

A series of stakeholder meetings and workshops were undertaken to discuss the future development of Dolomite Point. The focus of the engagement was to explore project objectives, site constraints and opportunities and the discussion of a number of spatial development options

The indicative concept proposal for Dolomite Point encapsulates the key growth opportunities for the site and was cognisant of the sensitive landscape setting and anticipated provisions for maintaining and enhancing this as part of further development and planning.

Three key objectives underpin the project: securing and future-proofing the infrastructure and visitor facilities at Dolomite Point in accordance with best-practice; deepening natural heritage visitor immersion by considering and celebrating the natural environment in all redevelopment plans; and establishing a compelling cultural footprint and story-telling platform.

In addition, a series of landscape and built form objectives will ensure that redevelopment has regard to the natural environment. Aligning with the project vision and landscape and built form objectives, a broad scale concept masterplan was developed to create a cohesive and comprehensive site design for the visitor centre.
