H Block - a key link in the campus spine

The proposed H Block development will play an important role within the University of Waikato campus through connecting existing spaces. A recent utilisation study established that much of the teaching and office space on campus is outdated and requires modernisation, and H Block is intended to provide flexible and adaptive space.



Project team

Dave Moule

Worked with

Chow Hill Architects
Holmes Group

Project date

2022 - ongoing

The University of Waikato proposes to establish a new building, known as ‘H Block’, connecting to existing S and G Blocks and provide a gateway to the C-K Learning Precinct. H Block will replace outdated facilities, providing a range of learning spaces and functioning as an active campus connector, facilitating strong connectivity on campus and supporting learning needs through provision of flexible and adaptive space.

H Block, with approximately 2,730m² of floorspace proposed over six storeys, will accommodate the learning space requirements of existing University staff and students, and replace the existing, outdated learning spaces with new modern teaching space. H Block is being designed with environmentally sustainable development principles in mind, with consideration given to building orientation, shading, shelter, glazing and warm-wall construction. Solar panels are planned for the roof and a range of water-sensitive techniques are proposed.

H Block, including the proposed new surrounding green spaces, will improve the quality the facilities on campus and will provide flexible and adaptive spaces to accommodate the learning requirements of current and future staff and students.

Boffa Miskell’s planning team advised the University on planning requirements for the proposal; and worked alongside the project team, led by Chow Hill Architects, in the preparation of the required resource consent application to Hamilton City Council. The outcome of the process was a positive, non-notified resource consent decision.

Images provided by Chow Hill Architects.