Sylvia Park is evolving from a suburban internalised mall-style retail precinct to a mixed-use, metropolitan centre.

Removing the existing roundabout and replacing it with a signalised intersection on Te Kehu Way creates more space for people and safe crossing points for pedestrians.

Recently completed and consented tower developments near this intersection populate the area with commercial, retail and hospitality destinations. This safety improvement accommodates the anticipated increase of foot traffic and, as a key entry point from Mt Wellington Highway, the refreshed design creates a welcoming focal point. 

Additionally, there was a desire to improve the microclimate of the Sylvia Lane dining precinct, which was often affected by wind, significantly limiting the use of this key public space. The growing number of workers and residents at Sylvia Park makes this space increasingly important as part of the shared public realm.

Sylvia Lane has a new open roof canopy and colonnade which offer greater protection for patrons of the restaurants, bars and cafes that surround the central space. New lighting and sculptures have been added, while a number of existing trees — including pohutukawa and Nikau palm — were retained within the refreshed landscape design.

Boffa Miskell is involved in a range of projects at Sylvia Park Precinct including:


Kiwi Property



Worked with

Barker Associates
Holmes Group
Woods Bagot

Project date

2020 - 2023