A first-of-its-kind assessment and innovative methodology sets the precedent for future studies

Much of Aotearoa New Zealand has had relatively comprehensive landscape character and Outstanding Natural Features and Landscapes identified. However, the majority of these assessments concern only terrestrial areas.

The Waikato Regional Seascape Study (2023), is a first-of-its-kind assessment which describes the way the coastal and marine environments interact together to form ‘seascapes’, and how this distinct environment is understood and experienced by people. The report identifies, maps and lists the natural and cultural values of the Waikato region’s seascapes; and puts forward candidates for Outstanding Natural Features and Outstanding Natural Landscapes in the Coastal Marine Areas.

Most significantly, the innovative methodology developed by Boffa Miskell for this report has been peer-reviewed and found to be robust, with accurate and credible results. This methodology can be applied throughout Aotearoa/New Zealand and marks a substantial step forward in the identification and assessment of some of the nation’s most critical and meaningful environments.



Worked with

Waikato Regional Council

Project date

2019 - 2023


Technical Documentation Award | RMLA Awards
Award of Excellence | Resource Management and Strategic Planning | Resene New Zealand Institute of Landscape Architecture Awards