Four projects recognised in regional and national awards
1 November 2017
Boffa Miskell has proudly secured accolades in various awards, showcasing our expertise across Ecology, Urban Design, Landscape Architecture, and Planning.

Bike to the Future
Te Ara Mua Future Streets project is the Bike to the Future Supreme Award winner for 2017. The award was presented to Mangere-Otahuhu Local Board, Auckland Transport and the Future Streets Research Team at the Asia Pacific Cycle Congress.
Boffa Miskell contributed a detailed landscape design to our client, Auckland Transport, which included a town centre carpark, a community pedestrian and cycleway trail, as well as enhanced streetscapes and wayfinding along residential collector streets.
Te Ara Mua Future Streets is the product of a unique partnership, including the Mangere community, researchers and transport planners. Its aim is to develop transport solutions that also achieve positive road safety and public health outcomes.
The Boffa Miskell urban design and landscape architecture project team included Stuart Houghton, Jonathan Broekhuysen, Yoko Tanaka and Ben Clark.
The judges commended the design for an “innovative and holistic approach of looking at issues of integrating active modes with improving health and quality of life outcomes. Strong partnerships and community engagement have achieved fantastic results that will have long-lasting impacts and be embraced by the community into the future.”
New Zealand Concrete Awards
The Marine Parade Redevelopment Skate Park in Napier and Mackays to Peka Peka (M2PP) Expressway received awards at the New Zealand Concrete Society Conference. Held every two years, the awards recognise innovation in the development and understanding of concrete and celebrate its appropriate use in the natural and social environment.
2017 Concrete Landscape Award to Marine Parade Redevelopment Skate Park
The judges said this new skate park was “a compelling addition to the community’s social development… It also highlighted the versatility of concrete – used here as a device to affect societal change”
Boffa Miskell led the landscape design of the wider Marine Parade Redevelopment project for our client, Napier City Council. Team members included landscape architects Michael Hawes, Nik Kneale, Yoko Tanaka, Heather Wilkins, Dylan Robinson, Daniel Whatnall and Kieran Dove. Project partners were Rich Landscapes and Paris Magdalinos Architects and artist Jacob Scott.
2017 Supreme Concrete Award to M2PP Expressway Project
In recognition of outstanding achievement in the advancement of concrete practice in design, construction, rehabilitation or research. An excerpt from the judges’ citation reads, “this is an outstanding achievement, and it is clear that all parties involved had a clear sense of purpose and a passion for delivering quality and excellence”.
2017 Concrete Infrastructure Award to M2PP Expressway Project
Judges said the “elegantly-designed expressway proved that desirable urban design outcomes could be achieved through the effective use of concrete to complement the landscape.”
2017 Concrete Landscape Award Commendation to Te Kakakura Retaining Wall of M2PP Expressway Project
The judges said, “This retaining wall – an integral part of the Waikanae Expressway – reflects the cultural significance of the area through the use of concrete.” The judges felt the project deserved special recognition for its visual and cultural connection to its surrounding environment.
For the 18km, four-lane M2PP Expressway, Boffa Miskell was involved in the planning, urban design, ecology, landscape planning and landscape architecture, as well as undertaking ecological, landscape and urban design monitoring and stakeholder consultation.
The Boffa Miskell team included planner Robert Schofield and landscape planner Bron Faulkner; landscape architects Boyden Evans, Frazer Baggaley, Steve Dunn and Martin Powell; and ecologists Stephen Fuller, Leigh Bull and Vaughan Keesing. During the construction phase, Boffa Miskell was a sub-consultant to the M2PP Alliance which included Beca, Fletcher Construction Company, Goodmans Contractors and Higgins Group. Other project partners also recognised in these three awards include NZTA, Warren & Mahoney, Firth Concrete and Stresscrete, Ltd.
We Are Waikato Awards
Chedworth Properties and Greenhill Park Project team were among the winners at the Property Council New Zealand (PCNZ) Waikato Branch “We Are Waikato” awards.
The large, multi-disciplinary group - which included Boffa Miskell, Beca, S & L Consultants, Adapt Studio, Traffic Design Group, Gwilym Environmental Services, Online Contractors and West Construction and Native Awa - took the Staples Rodway Best Team Award.
Luke O’Dwyer, Economic Growth and Planning Unit Manager, Hamilton City Council said, “In my years as a planning practitioner there have only been a few occasions when I have seen a consultant team work in a truly effective manner to ensure a transformative outcome could be achieved. The Greenhill Park team falls into this category.”
Boffa Miskell was involved in the master planning and developing the design philosophy for the overall development, providing planning, landscape architecture and ecological input from conception through to implementation. A complex suite of resource consents was obtained in October 2016, enabling over 1600 residential properties to be developed over the next 15 years.
“The team was diverse in composition, audacious in its vision and goals, and focused around a clear vision of lifting the bar for new residential development in Hamilton, while delivering the very best design and sustainability outcomes,” O’Dwyer continued.
The Boffa Miskell team includes planners Dave Moule and Peter Hall; landscape architects Amber Roling and Ben Clark; and ecologist Louise Saunders from our Hamilton, Auckland and Tauranga offices.
“I am very proud to have been part of the Chedworth Properties and Greenhill Park Project Team in receiving the Best Team Award at the recent PCNZ We Are Waikato Awards,” said principal Dave Moule.
“Boffa Miskell’s contribution to the team and the project was significant and involved inputs across all our key disciplines, including urban design and landscape architecture, planning and ecology.
“It is fantastic to see the efforts of the team recognised by the property industry in this way and it is exciting to see the vision for the project being realised on the ground. Greenhill Park will no doubt contribute positively to improving the quality of housing in the region and provide a broader range of housing choices for the community.”