Pauline Whitney celebrates 20 Years
19 July 2022

An integral part of the Wellington-based planning team, Pauline is known for her her willingness to pitch in and her conscientious and caring attitude toward colleagues and clients.
After earning a Bachelors degree in Resource and Environmental Planning (Hons) from Massey University, Pauline spent a year as a graduate planner in the Policy group at Hutt City Council before landing a permanent job at Selwyn District Council.
She and her now-husband Bruce then did a two-year OE in the United Kingdom and Pauline worked in Northeast London at Watford Borough Council. Returning from London, Pauline began looking for a job.
“I saw a vacancy advertised at Boffa Miskell, so I rang and enquired… and found out the ad was actually for a landscape planner – which shows how little I knew then about landscape planning! But they were also looking for a planner, and the rest is history,” Pauline recalls.
“In those days I was involved with a huge variety of jobs and clients. At that stage it was only Robert Schofield, Marc Baily and me – Hamish Wesney joined a couple of years later – so I got the opportunity to work on some great projects.”
Pauline’s early planning work ran the gamut from being engaged by Wellington City Council to prepare, lodge and manage numerous resource consent applications for sculptures around Wellington City; to researching and developing a framework for Integrated Planning and Management of Natural Areas for Tourism Related Activities.
“Boffa Miskell was involved in the case study for the Tongariro Crossing which involved liaison with key statutory bodies and parties, user surveys and interviews, and application of the LAC (Landscapes of Acceptable Change) process to the case study,” Pauline explains. “I will always fondly remember tramping the Tongariro Crossing to do experience surveys of other walkers.”
“We’re a tight team,” says partner Robert Schofield. “Those of us who’ve worked with Pauline over the past two decades feel like we’ve been part of her professional growth as well as her personal journey – from seeing her and Bruce off to get married; to her two girls growing into young people and the necessary juggling of work and family time along the way.”
“Everyone knows about Pauline’s efficiency and exemplary time management,” says Hamish Wesney, managing partner in the Wellington Office. “Anyone who’s worked with her knows that she can be relied on 100%; never having to be chased-up or wondering whether things will be done.
“Pauline’s driven by doing the right thing for her clients, and providing value and efficiency. If she sets a deadline you know she’ll meet it – if not have the work finished earlier,” he continues.
“Boffa Miskell has been fully supportive of me having and raising a family,” says Pauline. “I value the ability to work part-time, and in return, have always endeavoured to do my best for the company and the clients we work with.”
Pauline now spends the majority of her time as a planning consultant to national corporations, energy and utility companies, local authorities, and infrastructure agencies.
Robert Schofield says, “She has become an important and trusted advisor for various clients, particularly Transpower with whom she’s a de facto team member – we call her Pylon Polly! Her working on Plans around the country means Pauline’s probably been to more councils in New Zealand than anyone else in the office.”
“Most of my work now is providing policy advice – it’s an area of planning I really enjoy in that there is a lot happening at the higher order policy direction level,” Pauline explains.
“I have a huge respect for the planning profession and believe we are key in bringing so many elements together. The pressures that the community and environment are now facing are at the forefront of the planning profession. The next five years will be extremely challenging.”
Her colleagues in Wellington appreciate Pauline’s caring attitude and willingness to pitch in – whether it’s project work, or nurturing the office culture and mentoring younger colleagues.
“When I am not at work my time is very much dominated by my family, including many, many walks with our family dog!” says Pauline. “I enjoy cooking and gardening and when I get the chance, I love to sew. I’m thinking that may be my next career…..?
“But it’s the people – those at Boffa Miskell and also clients I have worked with – that hold strong and positive memories for me, and have kept me here.”