Cameron Martyn


Kaimahere Waka | Transport Planner
Pouwhiri | Principal

In 2021, I returned to my home country of New Zealand to lead Boffa Miskell's transport advisory services. My experience in providing strategic project planning and implementation support for a range of clients has given me a thorough understanding of the complexities of public-sector project planning and delivery. I pride myself on my ability to combine technical knowledge with excellent written and verbal communication skills. This enables me to work collaboratively with stakeholders and across disciplines to fully understand project context, drivers, and objectives, and apply integrated transport planning initiatives to prepare for and adapt to change effectively.

I am highly experienced and strategic with a proven track record in the public and private sectors, both locally and internationally. Throughout my career, I have contributed to numerous metropolitan, regional, and international projects, developing a deep understanding of land use and transport planning.


Graduate Certificate in Public Sector Management, Flinders University, Australia
Masters of Regional and Resource Planning, University of Otago
Bachelor of Arts with Honours (Geography), University of Otago


Member, Planning Institute of Australia (MPIA)
Member, Australian Institute of Transport Planning and Management (AITPM)
Affiliate Membership, Transportation Group - Engineering NZ