Boffa Miskell landscape planners were involved in the early inception and assessment of the layout of an expanded gravel extraction operation within a former stud farm adjoining Winstone's existing operation along the floodplain of the Ōtaki River. This recognized the important recreation and ecology values through the site, including two areas of remnant kohekohe and totara trees which will be retained as 'eco islands' created within a future rehabilitated lake.
Project team
Project date
2015 - 2016

The project included a rehabilitation strategy including planting to mitigate the loss of significant vegetation and ensure the final waterbody form created as a result of gravel extraction activity will maintain water quality and enable the modified quarried landform to be successfully re-integrated into the Ōtaki floodplain landscape.
Project outputs included a landscape and visual effects assessment, presentation of evidence at a council hearing and rehabilitation strategy setting out long term landscape management actions required through consent conditions. The project was also an early adopter of obtaining 3D imagery using a UAV.