Increasing housing density while maintaining the residential character and amenity values of Mount Maunganui.

Bask is a comprehensively designed medium-density residential development in Mount Maunganui. Given the proximity to higher levels of services and amenities nearby, the site was identified as an appropriate location for residential intensification. The development comprises a total of 20 three-level townhouses spread across five separate blocks of built form.

Through the planning and design phase of the project, which preceded the introduction of the Resource Management (Enabling Housing Supply and Other Matters) Amendment Act 2021 and subsequent changes to the Tauranga City Plan in order to align with national policy direction that "encouraged" medium density residential development in appropriate locations, careful consideration had to be given the maintenance of residential character and amenity values attributable to the surrounding environment.


TYBI Limited


Bay of Plenty

Worked with

BCD Civil & Structural Engineering
Coffey Geotechnical Engineering
Ken Phillips, Archaeology

Project date

2018 - 2022

Boffa Miskell's role was spread across planning, landscape planning, landscape design and urban design services. We provided an analysis of statutory planning considerations relevant to the subject site, surrounding environment and the various development options that were being considered at the outset.

We advised in relation to key resource management issues and information requirements for resource consent application purposes; and in relation to consenting strategy and consenting risk profile, which ensured the client and project team were making informed decisions as the project progressed.

Landscape architects prepared a landscape concept plan, which focused on the provision for on-site amenity - both in terms of outdoor living space attributable to individual townhouse units and common areas. Hard and soft landscape elements were included in our design response. Our landscape planning team prepared an assessment of landscape and visual effects, which addressed residential character and amenity considerations.

Boffa Miskell prepared a resource consent application and assessment of environmental effects (AEE) document, which addressed all the relevant 'checks and balances' under the ambit of the RMA and various planning documents.

Digital Services prepared GIS mapping, which assisted with an analysis of statutory planning provisions applicable to the site, surrounding environment and proposed development. Digital Services also prepared a range of documentation that supported technical reporting, all of which formed part of the resource consent application. Additionally, our digital services team prepared a comprehensive graphics document, which assisted all parties at the Council hearing to understand the nature and scale of the proposed development and the extent of non-compliant elements.

The resource consent application was processed on a limited notification basis, which required pre-hearing meetings with neighbouring property owners and key stakeholders, the preparation of expert planning, landscape planning and urban design evidence, and attendance by our team at the Council hearing.  

A key challenge was that the Bask development preceded the recent change in national policy direction to encourage medium density residential development in appropriate locations in high-growth urban areas, such as Tauranga. While the site location and levels of service and amenity in the immediate surrounds all clearly supported housing intensification of this type, the planning framework at the time did not align.

A comprehensive planning and design approach, coupled with a robust consenting strategy and expert evidence delivered the desired outcome. Resource consent was granted with fair and reasonable conditions. The development was constructed in 2022/2023 with all townhouse apartments successfully selling.