Increasing environmental awareness of a local area through community involvement and ownership.

Boffa Miskell led this stormwater management project which included improving water quality and flood management, enhancing ecological and amenity values in the stream and reserve, and facilitating community use and appreciation of the reserve and stream.

The team took the opportunity to extend what could have been a routine maintenance project into a demonstration project for sustainable design. It became a multi-faceted approach to stormwater design in line with North Shore City Council’s sustainable stormwater strategy.



Project team

Mark Lewis
Eddie Sides

Worked with

Dempsey Wood Civil

Project date



Arthur Meade Award for the Environment and Sustainability | IPENZ Engineers New Zealand
Bronze Award | Landscape Design Category, Rural / Park / Recreational | NZ Institute of Landscape Architects / Resene 'Pride of Place' Awards

Bayside Reserve had a stormwater concrete stream channel which flowed into a detention pond. The pond had become blocked with silt and was not functioning as intended.

The existing concrete stream channel was transformed into a naturalised stream and the pond was reformed with forebays and vegetated floating islands to enhance its water treatment function. Public walkways were constructed and aligned with maintenance access.

Habitat has been enhanced through non-spray weed control and diverse planting, including kahikatea-swamp maire and flax cabbage tree communities.

An essential aspect of the Bayside Reserve project was the level of positive community engagement that the North Shore City Council achieved through their consultation programme. The engagement created a sense of community involvement and ownership with increased environmental awareness in the local area.