Providing specialist advice and support for Brynderwyn Quarry to enable ongoing operations.

In order to continue operations at Brynderwyn Quarry, Atlas Quarries obtained resource consents and wildlife permits to authorise the future quarrying operations.  Boffa Miskell were engaged to provide planning and ecological advice and support.

The works were carefully timed to meet permitting requirements, while also enabling Atlas to meet with their operational needs.



Project date

2021 - ongoing

An initial hui with DOC and Te Uri o Hau (iwi) to finalise permits was undertaken in September 2021.

Iwi were engaged during all surveys and salvages, taking part in the field work during the preliminary kauri snails/pupurangi (Paryphanta spp.) and lizard salvages in January 2022. Field teams were made up of Boffa Miskell staff, Atlas Quarry staff and iwi members.

Boffa Miskell's scope of work included

  • Successful preparation and implementation of Department of Conservation Wildlife Permits for lizards and kauri snails as part of stage vegetation clearance;
  • Implementing fauna survey, salvage and release requirements for kiwi, bats, native lizards and kauri snails in accordance with resource consent conditions;
  • Preparing a resource consent application and assessment of environmental effects for renewal for quarrying operations on site.
